About Us

This dynamic duo is unique in so many ways. Caroline and Maria are the perfect mother and daughter-in-law team (who can say that?!) firm believers in God and both have a passion for helping others.

Just for Funds started early 2023 and was originally intended to help fund their own philanthropic adventures. As beneficiaries, they raised $3,900 to support the San Diego Rescue Mission’s – Up & Running Again Program. That was enough to buy shoes for over 30 runners!!

“Friends, we are excited and look forward to seeing you accomplish your dreams and follow that ‘tug on your heart’. Always remember finances should never stop you from serving others or celebrating your special day”.


Born in Liverpool England on October 2, 1964, Caroline emigrated to the United States in 1987.

Today, she lives in San Diego with her husband Anthony, four amazing adult children, two beautiful daughter-in-laws, one lovable son-in-law, and a yummy grandson. Amen!

Caroline continues to give all glory to God and is excited to see what God has in store for ………. Just for Funds.


Maria was born in Wisconsin (go Packers!) but moved to Alaska at the age of three. She grew up off the grid in the middle of Alaska learning the basics to survive. In 2004 she moved to San Diego where she has called 'home' ever since.

Life has thrown her many curve balls that hasn't made life easy, but through all the dark times in her life, God has always remained a consent.

She has been married to her best friend, Simon, since 2019 and is living a peaceful life. She enjoys spending time with her nieces and nephews, gardening and volunteering at the San Diego Rescue Mission.