Wilshire Community Church - Youth Camps

Wilshire Community Church - Youth Camps

Wilshire Avenue Community Church
Fullerton, CA 92832

Funding: Youth Camps

We are a church dedicated to helping people find and follow Jesus. God calls us to this greater purpose: to love Him and love others. Through serving Fullerton and loving our communities, we strive to make differences in the lives of family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and people throughout the world Wilshire’s vision is be a free, flourishing, Jesus-centered church community in the heart of Downtown Fullerton, CA that empowers people to live out God’s love and lead in every
sphere of life. We see God raising up more leaders than our walls can contain and unleashing them into our surrounding cities and across the globe, leaving behind a legacies that will far outlive us all.

Website: https://wilshireave.com

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